The following are the details for our After School Programs at Country Hills Elementary. We look forward to seeing you soon!
SPRING 2015:
Programs: Cheerleading and All Star Teams
Day: Mondays
Time: 2:10 to 4:10 p.m.
Place: Meet in the PE Area at Country Hills
Dates: January 26th to April 27th
First Class: January 26th
Classes: 12 Classes
Teams: Sorted by Grade
Tuition: $135 for the entire season.
How to Register for your FREE Class:
To RSVP for your free class at Country Hills Elementary, please call our office at 954-748-5977 or fill out the form below.
Please have your cheerleader bring a SNACK and the PERMISSION slip to the first class. If you do not have the permission slip, please use the copy below.
Thank You!!